Claudio Almeida


Claudio Almeida

BiomasBr Programme Coordinator. National Institute for Space Research - Inpe

Agricultural Engineer from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (1992), Master in Remote Sensing from the National Institute for Spatial Research (2008) and PhD in Geomatics from the University of Montpellier - France (2016). He has 32 years of experience in remote sensing land use change mapping. He is currently Senior Technologist at the National Institute for Spatial Research - INPE. Between January 2009 and December 2012, he was head of the Amazon Regional Centre. He is the coordinator of the BiomasBR monitoring programme, which monitors the suppression of native vegetation in all Brazilian biomes.


In line with the objectives of the EU-LAC Digital Alliance and the the BELLA II project led by RedCLARA, TICAL provides a forum for strategic dialogue and exchange of experiences among the NRENs members of RedCLARA on strengthening regional science, technology, and innovation; promotes the identification of common challenges and opportunities of digital transformation for the economic and social development of Latin America and the Caribbean, and seeks to identify the cornerstones for building a common development agenda based on digital.


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