José Palacios


José Palacios

President of the National University Network of Chile, REUNA, and a board member of RedCLARA.

Civil Metallurgical Engineer from the University of Santiago, Chile, with a Diploma in Extractive Metallurgy from Tohoku University, Japan, and a Ph.D. from Purdue University, USA.

He has over 40 years of experience in Chilean and foreign universities. He served as Rector of the University of Atacama, Vice-Rector of Operations and Quality Assurance at the University of Viña del Mar, and Vice-Rector of Research, Graduate Studies, and Innovation at the University of Playa Ancha. He has participated in committees and councils of the Chilean higher education system and, internationally, has worked as a consultant and evaluator on projects funded by the European Union, the Government of Canada, and Japanese organizations.

He is currently a member of the Strategic Scientific Committee of the National Laboratory for High-Performance Computing (NLHPC), a board member of the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (RedCLARA), a member of the Honorable Board of the University of the Americas (UDLA), and President of the Board of the National University Network (REUNA).


In line with the objectives of the EU-LAC Digital Alliance and the the BELLA II project led by RedCLARA, TICAL provides a forum for strategic dialogue and exchange of experiences among the NRENs members of RedCLARA on strengthening regional science, technology, and innovation; promotes the identification of common challenges and opportunities of digital transformation for the economic and social development of Latin America and the Caribbean, and seeks to identify the cornerstones for building a common development agenda based on digital.


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